Tuesday night, we went to the fair. Brian and I used to go every year, but we hadn't been since Macie was a baby. We always wanted to, but were too busy or didn't have any money. This year, we really wanted to go, despite the heat. We left Lilah with Grandma and Grandpa. Aunt Allie and I took the kids and then Brian and Allie's friend, Hunter, met us there. Macie and Gavin had a GREAT time! They loved all of the animals. They go to the zoo all of the time, but have never really been up close and personal with farm animals. The pigs were their favorite. They both can get a little freaked out when they are too close to animals, so I had warned them they would be close and not always in a cage. We also talked about not putting their hands in any cage without Mommy or Aunt Allie knowing. Gavin walked around with his hands behind his back. Macie kept asking if the animals would bite because she wanted to pet them so badly, but was too scared to do it. The swine barn is where Gavin went crazy. He was petting every pig and even plopped himself on the ground and started talking to them. It was precious! Macie asked some of the farmers questions about the pigs like, "Why are there yellow tags in their ears? What kind of pig is that?" After looking at the animals, we ate, picked up some kettle corn, watched the four wheelers for a bit, and the kids got balloons. By this point, they were worn out and on the edge of a meltdown, so we left. Even though the temps were over 100 degrees, there was a nice breeze and they had a lot of fans set up. I also brought some cold wet rags in a bag to wipe off the kids' faces. What a fun family night. I can't wait until next year. Hopefully, we can bring Lilah!

My cousin's dauther, Emma, had two goats there and they won a lot of prizes!

They had a lot of creative ways to keep the animals cool
Mama pig and her babies
Macie loved Hunter
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