Friday, March 10, 2017

People Change

The other day, the kids and I were driving by Lewis Bakery and the wonderful smell of freshly baked bread filled our car.  We were all oohing and ahhing and talking about how we should make bread at home.  Macie said, "I wish I was in there right now so I could eat all of the bread."  Gavin responded, "Macie, you said you didn't even like Bunny Bread."  Without a thought or hesitation and very matter of factly she said, "People change"

I let out a chuckle and thought, oh how wise and true that is!  When I think about myself and how much I've changed in the last 10 years, I am amazed.  My family has gone through so many changes recently and things we thought would be one way turn out another.  It's often hard for adults to accept that "people change" and here my 8 year old has embraced it!

Thursday, March 2, 2017

Homeschool Highlights

Snap Circuits and More: Typically, we do not do school on birthdays.  However, Gavin had so many science kits he was wanting to do that we did those on his birthday and counted it as a school day! Macie and Gavin both got snap circuit kits (at different times from different people), but we'd never gotten them out.  They are SO cool and Gavin plays with his all of the time!

 We also made a color changing volcano, and that was a big hit!
 Homeschool Science Hour ~ Anatomy: The anatomy class was really cool because I was able to point out on Gavin where different parts of his body are that he's had procedures on.  The kids also made brain hats that were cool.

 Mneme Therapy ~ The Baby Owl:
Indianapolis Children's Museum: Last week, Gavin had an appointment at Riley.  We hadn't been to the Children's museum in a long time and my mom had never been, so we decided to make a day of it.  They had a circus exhibit that was fun!

 Mardi Gras Masks: I picked up these masks at Big Lots for 25 cents a while back.  Macie found them and wanted to make them.  I told her we'd make them for Mardi Gras.  All it took was a little puff paint and a few feathers, and voila!

 Mneme Therapy ~ The Beach:

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

How'd I Do? ~ January and February

It's kind of unreal that today is March 1st!  The year is 1/6th over.  I didn't post a "How'd I Do?" at the end of January, so I thought I'd combine them.  Overall, I think I'm doing great this year considering I was sick the majority of January.  In fact, I spent about 2 and a half months sick.  I have high hopes for March and April, so hopefully I will accomplish a lot.  We hope to be done with school at the end of April and that will really open up some time.

2017 Intentions
1. Purge 17 areas of the house (see below) (3/17)
2. Read 17 books for me (6/17)
3. Read 17 Chapter books to the kids (8/17)
4. Purge 17 items each week and blog it (3/52) *We've purged a ton more, I just haven't kept up with posting about it.  We've gotten rid of bags and bags of trash and donated so much!
5. Cross 17 things off of my 101 in 1001 list (5/17)
6. Have people over 17 times (0/17)
7. Go on 17 dates with Brian (2/17)
8. Try 17 new recipes (5/17)
9. Purge 17 pounds (0/17) *Haven't weighed myself, so no idea!
10. Run/Walk 170 miles (7/170) *Need to go to the Y more!                             
11. Go to 17 new restaurants (2/17) Sandy's Pizza, BruBurger
12. Post 17 Homeschool Highlights (2/17)
13. Spend 17 hours Scrapbooking (0/17)
14. Work 170 hours in the yard PURGING (0/170)
15. Pray the Rosary 17 times (13/17)
16. Pay It Forward 17 times (2/17)
17. Purge Negativity by writing 17 posts about blessings in my life (0/17)

17 Areas of the House:
#1 Kitchen
#2 Hutch and Credenza
#3 Macie's Room
#4 Gavin's Room
#5 Lilah's Room
#6 Our Bedroom
#7 School Room
#8 Laundry Room
#9 Garage
#10 Game Closet
#11 Coat Closet
#12 Downstairs Bathroom
#13 Upstairs Bathroom
#14 Storage Shed
#15 All Attic Storage (Garage, Lilah's room, Macie' room, Our room)
#16 Aztec
#17 Buick