Saturday, May 27, 2017

Operation Purge in Full Force!

My word for the year 2017 was PURGE.  The year was off to a slow start due to my many illnesses, but the last two months I have been on a roll!  There is still a lot to do, but I am starting to finally feel a lot more settled and at peace.  We've lived here officially for 2 years now and there are no longer boxes that need to be unpacked.  Here is how I'm doing with my intentions 5 months in followed by a few pictures of the progress:

2017 Intentions
1. Purge 17 areas of the house (see below) (9/17)
2. Read 17 books for me (10/17)
3. Read 17 Chapter books to the kids (8/17)
4. Purge 17 items each week and blog it (3/52) *I've been purging like crazy, but not blogging it:(
5. Cross 17 things off of my 101 in 1001 list (9/17)
6. Have people over 17 times (3/17)
7. Go on 17 dates with Brian (7/17)
8. Try 17 new recipes (5/17)
9. Purge 17 pounds (14/17)
10. Run/Walk 170 miles (35/170)                              
11. Go to 17 new restaurants (4/17) Sandy's Pizza, BruBurger, McAllister's Deli, Smitty's Italian Steakhouse
12. Post 17 Homeschool Highlights (3/17)
13. Spend 17 hours Scrapbooking (0/17)
14. Work 170 hours in the yard PURGING (12/170) *Lost track of the hours, but it's been a lot!
15. Pray the Rosary 17 times (17/17)
16. Pay It Forward 17 times (3/17)
17. Purge Negativity by writing 17 posts about blessings in my life (0/17) *The only thing I haven't started..probably need to get on it!

17 Areas of the House:
#1 Kitchen
#2 Hutch and Credenza
#3 Macie's Room
#4 Gavin's Room
#5 Lilah's Room
#6 Our Bedroom
#7 School Room
#8 Laundry Room
#9 Garage
#10 Game Closet
#11 Coat Closet
#12 Downstairs Bathroom
#13 Upstairs Bathroom
#14 Storage Shed
#15 All Attic Storage (Garage, Lilah's room, Macie' room, Our room)
#16 Aztec
#17 Buick

The Back Yard: Remember when this used to be an overgrown jungle?  Well now, its a yard!  Still lots of areas to work on, but overall a massive improvement!

The Garage: I finally unpacked every box and got rid of a TON of stuff.  We also are finally utilizing the attic storage.  Instead of a place to park, we are using this as an extra living space.  We needed that more at this time.  The kids love it and so do I!

The Laundry Room: Have I ever mentioned how much I hate laundry? We have WAY too many clothes even though I keep getting rid of some and do not buy them, we still seem to get more and more.  I finally got this room and the former coat closet organized.  I turned it into a closet for the kids.  I'd rather have all of their clothes in one place at this point.  When they are older, they can be in charge of their clothes.  Right now, this is what works!

We aren't even half way through 2017 and I feel like I'm doing great with my goals.  Hopefully, I can keep it up!

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