Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Happy Birthday, Lilah!

How in the heck is my baby 6 years old?? I can't even wrap my head around that!  We had a family party for Lilah a few days before her birthday.  She chose a Shopkins theme and wanted cheesecake.  The girl knows what she wants!  She was blessed at her party.  Unfortunately, on her actual birthday she was really sick.  We had to postpone all of the fun we had planned and move it to the next day.  Even though she was feeling better, she didn't eat a ton on her special day.  We went to the bank to cash in her pennies, to the mall for Build-A-Bear, shopping and a pretzel, and to Kipplees for dinner.  As her birthday present, we gave her a pack of Shopkins mechanical pencils and then told her that I am taking her to Shopkins Live on January 12.  Overall, I think our little spitfire had a wonderful birthday!!

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