Saturday, January 17, 2009

3 Months old....and four days!

On Tuesday, Macie was 3 months old! I can't believe it! Because I am working again, I wasn't able to take pictures until this morning. My sister, Allie, is going to take her 3 month pics on Monday morning. Hopefully, they will turn out well and we can get some good ones to pass out and hang on the wall!
This month:
  • Macie has a lot more personality....she can be smiley and full of life, or screaming mad when her bottle isn't warm enough or something isn't going her way!
  • She is down to one feeding at night and we started supplementing formula every other feeding.
  • I went back to work, so Macie started going to "daycare". She had a rough first week (a lot of screaming during feedings, etc), but it is getting better. I know that she will settle into a routine soon!
  • Macie picked up her paci and put it in her mouth...she had a look on her face like "Wow! That turned out nicely!" Brian and I were both shocked, even though we know she had no idea what she was doing!
Look how big I'm getting!!!
Is that not the sweetest face you have ever seen?
Even when I am having a rough day, I get to start and end it with a smile from Macie!

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