Saturday, August 29, 2015

The Pros and Cons of Homeschooling...One Month In...

We've been homeschooling for a month now and its been going pretty well.  I've already learned a lot and have some pros and cons that have become very apparent to me!  Here is the list I've come up with so far and I'm sure it will grow and change!

  • We have such flexibility!  We've done school on the go and Gavin and I would have missed the first 8 out 10 days of school this year if we weren't homeschooling.
  • I am with my kids 24/7. (see below)
  • There is no dress long as they are dressed!
  • I get to decide what they are going to learn, how they are going to learn, and when they are going to learn it. (see below)
  • We get to spend time with family and friends when the opportunity presents itself and take field trips wherever we want.
  • I can see them light up with excitement when I tell them we are doing a science experiment, I can push them when they are struggling with writing in their journal, I can watch their growth first hand, and I can hear their sweet prayer requests every morning!
  • I can hug, kiss, and love on my students as well as discipline them without worrying about what their parents will think!

  • There is no janitor, principal, cafeteria lady, secretary, nurse, assistant, or recess duty teachers!  I am the one and only!
  • I am with my kids 24/7. (see above)
  • We are home all of the time which means more dishes, laundry, and overall messes.  I never thought about the increased toilet paper usage!
  • I have to decide what they are going to learn, how they are going to learn, and when they are going to learn it. As a friend of mine said, you can't blame the teacher this time! (see above) 
  • There isn't enough "Me" time (but I think most moms would say that!)
  • I feel the added pressure to make sure they are the best in all categories (social, emotional, spiritual, and educational), but once again, I think most moms struggle and think about that!

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