Sunday, November 16, 2008

The worst pain of my life...

Last night we had Rachel and Eric over for chili. We had a great night overall, but while they were here, my back started to cramp up and the pain started getting worse and worse. After they left, the pain was all over my back and moved around to my stomache and under my right ribs. The pain was unbearable and before long I was throwing up too. I got very scared when nothing seemed to help and we called my mom to come and watch Macie so that Brian could take me to the ER. It was the first time I had to leave her and that was the worst part because I didn't know when I was going to get to come back home. I also had a fear that I would go to the hospital and they would look at me like I was stupid or something and tell me it was just indigestion from the chili.
Long story short, after being poked and prodded and having an ultrasound, they found out that I have gallstones and will need my gallbladder taken out. I have to call a surgeon Monday and set it up. I am pretty bummed about having another surgery but I definitly don't want to have to go through that again. Hopefully, all will work out and it will be a same day surgery so I won't have to be away from my baby for too long. I'll keep you posted....


Rachel Maurer said...

I hope you are feeling better today!

Sills Family said...

Read Janes blog...she went through the same thing about a month ago and is having her gallbladder removed early in December. ironic

alboyles said...

so you are a teacher and i just had to tell you that you spelled gallbladder incorrectly. it's gall not gull. just and fyi so you don't misinform the youth of america!