Saturday, August 22, 2009

Lions, and Tigers, and Bears...oh my!

Because it was a beautiful day, we decided to go to the Mesker Park Zoo this afternoon. Grandma, Grandpa, and Aunt Allie joined us. I was excited because the whole trip only cost us $10! We had one free pass, Macie was free, and we even got ice cream cones at the end because we had a buy one get one coupon. My kind of deal! We didn't see any bears, but we saw lots of other animals, including, a baby camel and a baby zebra. I think the zebra was only a week or two old. Macie was so good and she had a great time! It will be the first of many trips to the zoo!
My little bat
Looking at the sea otters with Aunt Allie
Checking out a snake
She even fed the giraffes grass
Checking out wallabies with Grandpa

A fun family day!

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