Monday, March 5, 2012

Monsters and Martin Luther King

Last night, Gavin asked Brian to "close door". Brian said, we will close the door buddy. He likes to have his door closed when he is sleeping. He said, "No, that door", pointing to the closet, "Monsters". He's been watching Monster's Inc. I guess he now thinks he has monsters in his closet!

Yesterday afternoon when Leland was over, we played the wii. Brian and Leland were playing doubles tennis. They were on the same team and when Leland saw the guys they were playing against he said, "Oh no, not that Martin Luther King guy! He's hard!" The "Martin Luther King guy" he was talking about was a black mii. Brian and I were laughing as hard as we could without letting Leland know we were laughing. Later on, when the "guy" started playing, Leland said, "See, I told you that Martin Luther King guy was good!" It was completely innocent and way too funny!

1 comment:

Kelly said...

That is hilarious about the Martin luther King guy...too funny!! Monsters Inc is one of my favorite kid movies:)