Sunday, March 18, 2012


We had a very busy day...weekend really! This morning, we started out the day by going to Mass. Let's just say that the honeymoon phase is over and the kids were not good at all. The couple behind us (one of which is the preschool director) thanked us for being the entertainment during Mass. That's not exactly the kind of comment we were looking for!
After Mass, Lilah and I went to Allie's house for her 3 month pictures. Brian fed the other two and laid them down for a nap. After naps, we took the kids to my parents' so we could grocery shop. When we went back to my parent's house, we stayed for dinner. Dad grilled out and it was nice to hang out. What a fun spring day!
Macie used my camera and took 22 pictures! Here are a few:
There were a lot like this!


CJM said...

Do they not have "sunday school" for little ones at your church?!

Educator Eats said...

I love it! Kylie still takes picures like that, but they are mostly of out dog!