Sunday, September 15, 2013

Riley Visit and Compression Sock

On August 20th, Gavin had two appointments in Indy.  Brian couldn’t get off work, so Aunt Allie came along.  On the way up, we had a great trip and even stopped for a picnic lunch at a rest stop.

Our first appointment was to pick up Gavin’s compression sock at Hanger Clinic.  We had a different guy this time and turns out he has tons of snakes, reptiles, and other animals in his house.  Gavin was fascinated with him.  Allie and I thought he was odd.  Gavin was so patient while the guy was getting the sock on for the first time.  It was no easy task.  Gavin didn’t act like it bothered him one bit!  I kept waiting for him to complain about it, but he didn’t.  Right away, I noticed that it didn’t fit quite right.  We couldn’t get it up as high as it was supposed to go.  The guy acted like it would go up there in the morning, but since it was mid day, his leg was probably swollen.  I wasn’t sure, but trusted what he was saying.  I was prepared to pay something that day, but as we were leaving, they said that we didn’t owe anything that day and they would get back with us.

Next, we headed to see Dr. Contreras (GI) for a follow up appointment.  We were running early and they got us back early.  It was a pretty routine appointment because Gavin had been doing well.  He hadn’t had any bloody stool (of course he’s had some since then).  Gavin was a little shy and clingy at first, but it was nap time.  She asked us to come back in 6 months.  While we were there, they asked us to take off Gavin’s sock.  Allie and I wondered if it wasn’t really that tight since he hadn’t complained yet.  Putting that thing back on was quite the event!  It is tight and every day putting it on is an art!

Overall, the day went great..until the way home.  I entered go home on the GPS and it had us go a really backwards way.  Now, I know I’ve been to Indy a million times, but I’m rarely driving.  I planned to just use it to get back on the main roads, but it took us in crazy and scary places.  I’m talking gravel roads in a trailer park!  Allie and I didn’t know whether or not to laugh or cry.  Thankfully, Gavin slept most of the way home.  Oh, what a trip to remember!!

As far as the compression sock, Gavin loves it!  He wears it all day long without complaint!  I noticed it was sliding down and didn’t fit right, so we did a little research.  We quickly found out that the place WAY overcharged us.  We found a local place (the same place he got his life) that we will be going to next time.  They sold us some roll on glue to help his sock stay up and it works pretty well.  Gavin says his sock makes his legs not so tired and he is so proud of it!  Such a relief!


Blends in with is skin so well!  We have to wash it every other day and it stays pretty clean.


Brian sent this pic to his mom and said, “This is what $800 looks like!”

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