Thursday, August 14, 2014

First Day of School

Thursday, August 7th was the first day of school.  Macie is now in Kindergarten, Gavin is a butterfly (pre-k), and Lilah goes to grandma school.  Not only are the kids starting school, but it was my first day of my 10th year teaching!  I was a little choked up about Macie starting Kindergarten, but we both did great!  Brian was able to go with us for the first morning.  Macie said she was “better than excited!” 

Macie wears uniforms this year and looks adorable in them.  She loves school and has transitioned well.  She tells me it isn’t as scary since I’m right across the hall.  She’s already had one sick day and is loving that we let her buy school lunch one day a week.  I love getting to see her throughout the day.  Gavin is picked up by Grandma at 11 most days and he is all grins.  He loves school and is having lots of fun.  His drawing is taking off!  Lilah has had the hardest time transitioning.  She is having fun with grandma, but it was difficult for her.

After school on the first day, we always go get ice cream.  This year we went to Sonic and had blasts.  I love these little traditions with my babies!


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