Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Homeschool Highlights

Field Trip ~ Mesker Park Zoo: We went to the zoo with Grandma and Andre.  It took all three kids to be as long as the longest komodo dragon!

 Field Trip Journals: After every field trip, they kids journal about it.  They have to put the date and then fill in the following sentences: I went to ________. My favorite part was ________. I learned _________. 
I'm often asked how do I teach different grade levels at once.  This is one example.  For Lilah, I write all of her answers, but write a few words in highlighters for her to trace over.  For Gavin, I write all of his answers except one or two words that he writes himself.  Macie has the prompts at the beginning of her journal, so she copies them and then writes her own answers.
Above: Prompts at the front of every journal/Lilah's
Below: Macie/Gavin

 Graph of the Week ~ Venn Diagram

 Calendar Helper

 Brainstorming Web ~ Jobs

 Math Workbooks and Sorting

 Centers ~ Puzzle: We do a 200-500 piece puzzle every week as a part of our centers.  I am teaching the kids to sort the pieces inside/outside, to make the frame first, and to make sure all pieces are flipped over so you can see them.  It is also always good for us to practice working together!

 Centers ~ Hallway: Each week there is a center for them to assemble and arrange in the hallway.  This week, Lilah is working on sequencing puzzles.

 Field Trip ~ Robot Zoo

 Chips and Prizes: We've started a new reward system.  The kids are able to earn chips for doing the right thing and for when we catch them being good.  They can cash the chips in for different prizes.

Graph of the Week

Nursery Rhyme ~ Rub A Dub Dub: Lilah is learning a new nursery rhyme each week.  We practice it every day and then I try to give her different activities to do with it.

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