Saturday, March 12, 2011

Meeting Parker Wilson

While Gavin was in the hospital, we missed a very important event....the birth of our first nephew! Brian's sister, Beth, gave birth to Parker Wilson Shepherd on Thursday, March 3rd. He is a happy, healthy baby boy! We were very sad to miss this big event, but we had to take care of our sick baby instead. Today, we finally got a chance to meet him. Besides battling jaundice, he is doing great! He is so sweet and it is hard to believe that we ever had a baby that small! Gavin could pretty much care less, but I was surprised that Macie wouldn't really go over to him much. She'd been talking about "Baby Pawtah" for a long time now and I think that it didn't seem real. We didn't stay very long because the kids were tired and it was time for Parker to eat. I'm so excited to finally be an aunt! I get to spoil him rotten and send him home! Welcome to the world Parker! Aunt Abbie and Uncle Brian love you very much! Congrats Beth and Wil! Parenthood is the greatest adventure you will ever be a part of!
Proud Uncle Brian
Beth looks great just a week after having him!
Sweet baby Parker

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