Friday, November 8, 2013

Bowling Green ~ Corvette Museum

Last weekend, we headed down to Bowling Green.  Brian and I were running a half marathon on Sunday. Grandma and Grandpa came with us.  We had an easy drive and made it to our hotel.  We checked in and hung out for a bit before going to the race start line.  I wanted to see how far it was and to show my parents where to go in the morning.  I was a little stressed out figuring out all of the details.  Next, we went to the Expo.  At the Expo, we picked up our bibs, got all of our stuff, and ate a pasta dinner.  Then, we were able to tour the Corvette Museum.  The kids were a little wound up and not behaving very well.  It helped when we found the kids’ play area.  When we got back to the hotel, it was pretty much time for bed and to get everything ready for the race!


I thought it was funny that there was a William L Mitchell since that is Pops’ name!


That Mr. B’s box was taunting me!!

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