Saturday, August 20, 2016

Riley Trip ~ GI Procedure

On Monday, Gavin had another GI procedure.  Grandpa came with us since Brian is back to work. Before the procedure, Donna and Dr. Marshalleck came in and did a quick ultrasound of his leg.  While there are small areas to keep an eye on, there is nothing to fix at this time. Yay!
Gavin was ready to get the show on the road since he hadn't eaten since Saturday night.  They were running a little behind so we kept busy watching the Olympics.  The procedure didn't take too long. Dr. Hon said that things didn't look that differently than last time, but that she didn't have as many areas to inject. She wants to wait 4-6 weeks for the next procedure.  
After the procedure, Gavin was able to finally get his new wheelchair.  They had to do some final adjustments to make it work for him and then we were off.  On the way home, we stopped at Subway which was Gavin's pick.  Once we were home, I noticed that Gavin wasn't feeling the best and running a low grade fever.  His right knee was also bothering him.  Thankfully, it didn't get too high and we were able get an antibiotic called in for him.  Every little thing with him worries me.  I just keep praying for the day when I don't panic over a fever!

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