Thursday, August 4, 2016

First Day of School 2016-2017 School Year!

I did a few assessments on Friday, July 29th, but our first official day of the school year was Monday. The girls woke up so excited for the first day of school and wanted to start right away.  Unfortunately, we had to wait until Gavin was home from his weekly blood labs.  We were finally able to get started and we had a great first day.  I am so excited and ready to begin a new school year and can hardly believe that this is our second year of homeschooling!!
Making Cupcakes to pass the time until Gavin gets home...
 First Day of School Pics: If you want to compare them to last year's pictures, click here!

How long will those desks stay clean??
 Working hard!: Gavin kept thinking that he had Macie's books, but he forgot that he is a First Grader now!

 Where's Waldo?
Sight Words Bag: This year, I am giving Gavin a bag of about 20 sight words at a time to practice reading.  His reading is coming at a slower pace, so I thought I would add this to build up his confidence.  Every day he practices the words and reads them to me. Since they are magnetic, we make it more fun by putting them on the white board or on a cookie sheet.

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