Wednesday, December 27, 2017

How'd I do ~ 2017 Intentions

While there are technically a few days left this year, I thought it would be good to look back and my intentions.  2017 was the YEAR OF THE PURGE and boy did I purge.  I didn't keep up with everything on here but wow we got rid of a lot of stuff.  Boxes are unpacked from our move 2.5 years ago! 

2017 Intentions
1. Purge 17 areas of the house (see below) (16/17) Only one I didn't do was the shed
2. Read 17 books for me (16/17) I'm reading The Wisdom of Sundays so maybe I will finish it.
3. Read 17 Chapter books to the kids (17/17)
4. Purge 17 items each week and blog it (3/52) Purged like crazy, just didn't blog it.
5. Cross 17 things off of my 101 in 1001 list (14/17)
6. Have people over 17 times (17/17)
7. Go on 17 dates with Brian (9/17) This was majorly lacking this year!
8. Try 17 new recipes (17/17)
9. Purge 17 pounds (14/17) Just got on the scale last night and I've gained back it all..eek!
10. Run/Walk 170 miles (35/170)                              
11. Go to 17 new restaurants (8/17) Sandy's Pizza, BruBurger, McAllister's Deli, Smitty's Italian Steakhouse, La Campirana, Schaum's Pizzaria, Keith-A-que, TRex,  (and several others on vacation), 
12. Post 17 Homeschool Highlights (9/17)
13. Spend 17 hours Scrapbooking (0/17)
14. Work 170 hours in the yard PURGING (12/170) TOO MANY TO COUNT!
15. Pray the Rosary 17 times (17/17)
16. Pay It Forward 17 times (13/17) 
17. Purge Negativity by writing 17 posts about blessings in my life (13/17) Have four more drafts ready...

17 Areas of the House:
#1 Kitchen
#2 Hutch and Credenza
#3 Macie's Room
#4 Gavin's Room
#5 Lilah's Room
#6 Our Bedroom
#7 School Room
#8 Laundry Room
#9 Garage
#10 Game Closet
#11 Coat Closet
#12 Downstairs Bathroom
#13 Upstairs Bathroom
#14 Storage Shed
#15 All Attic Storage (Garage, Lilah's room, Macie's room, Our room)
#16 Aztec
#17 Buick

While it was a crazy year, I was able to accomplish a lot and hope to do a lot more in 2018!

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