Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Drum Roll Please...

Well, the verdict is's a BOY!! Brian literally jumped out of his seat and yelled "YES!" when the tech told us. She asked if we wanted to know and within seconds she said, I know what it is. I guess my hunch and the voters were right! Our little guy will be named Gavin William. Gavin is quite the mover. We thought Macie was bad, but the tech was chasing him around with the ultrasound wand and still couldn't get most of what she needed. In fact, they scheduled me for another ultrasound during the next visit to get all of the important stuff (find the other kidney, recheck the heart and find the 4 chambers, measure the belly, check for clef pallet, etc). We got lots of pictures, but none of them are very clear because he was moving so much and I'm carrying him low just like Macie. I have already been feeling him move for a couple of weeks now and my doctor said, "Just wait!". It's going to get a lot worse I'm sure. I didn't post any ultrasound pics because they are kind of fuzzy, but here are updated pics of me. I am officially 18 weeks. I am almost half way there because I will have Gavin around 38 weeks. I'm glad we will have time to stock up on "boy stuff".
18 Weeks


Natalie Pickerill said...

Congratulations! I love the name you guys picked out also.

The Mitchell Family said...

Thanks! I may need some advice on raising a boy! Christian sure is a doll!