Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Weekend Highlights

Last weekend was a busy one as usual. Friday night we went to dinner with Rachel and Eric at Texas Roadhouse and then hung out at their house for a bit.
Saturday, we went to Sturgis to have lunch with Brian's parents. That night we went to the demolition derby at the fair. Annie and Brian were hoping that Macie would be just as excited about the animals, but she didn't care much:( I think that she was just tired, but I think they were a little bummed. The derby was great until the torrential downpour! We had to run to the car. Good thing we had towels, umbrellas, and Annie with us!
Sunday, while Brian was mowing our grass and my parent's grass, Macie and I went to lunch with most of the women on my dad's side. Then, my dad brought over part of my birthday present...a picnic table he made for me! Yay! After Brian's softball game, we went to dinner at Rounders with a group from the team. Another exhausting weekend....will we ever slow down??
Macie playing with Aunt Katie
Uncle John came by to visit when we were in Sturgis
My new picnic table...the benches are still being made
My parents have a homemade table like this with detached benches and I asked my dad to make me one for my birthday. I am so excited to use it!

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