Tuesday, October 30, 2012


Last night, Lilah had some whole milk for the first time.  Dr. V said that we could start introducing her to it because she is losing interest in her bottle.  I always like to give the kids some time to learn to like it.  Not only is the taste different, but it is also cold.  All three of my kids loved their bottles HOT!  I also put Lilah's dinner all on her tray.  I put a variety of foods and let her go at it.  I can't believe how big she is getting!  We only bought a few jars of baby food at the store last time and plan to not buy anymore.  She'd rather have the big food anyway!  While it is a relief to be almost done with baby food and formula for good, it is also bittersweet!  We've spent the majority of the last 4 years buying that stuff and we are finally moving on!

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