Sunday, May 12, 2013

Felix’s Baptism

Sunday, May 5th, we were blessed to be a part of Felix’s baptism.  He was baptized at  Holy Rosary during 9:00am Mass.  Allie was kind enough to keep the kids for us at our house during the Mass.  Then, we picked them up and headed to the Maurer’s for a brunch.  The kids were very well behaved and had a lot of fun playing with Anya.  Overall, it was a wonderful morning and we are so happy to be Felix’s Godparents!
Macie and Gavin each drew a picture for Felix inside the card.  We got him some Bible story books to play with now and a monogramed Bible for later down the road.  We also got Rachel some lotion, bubble bath, and a pedicure set.

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