Wednesday, May 29, 2013


After school Friday, it was a mad dash to get to Sturgis.  I picked up the kids and Brian at his work.  I fed the kids a “snack” in the car on the way there. We rushed to Grammie and Pops’ house to change the kids’ clothes.  Then it was time for the rehearsal, which thankfully was just two doors down from Grammie’s house.  It was 6:00 and the kids were awful.  They were whiny and all over the place.  Brian and I started to panic a bit about what the wedding night might be like.  The saving grace was that Brian found the nursery/playroom in the back and the kids LOVED it!  After lots of practicing going up and down the aisle, we headed to Luke’s parents’ restaurant for dinner.  It was pretty late and the kids did as well as could be expected.  I got a little stressed at one point, but thanks to Brian, we held it together.  We changed the kids into pjs and headed back home.


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