Monday, July 7, 2014

Dinner and Fireworks

On the 4th, we had a delicious dinner of fried fish, southern fried cabbage, roasted kohlrabi, beer bread, and blackberry cobbler.  We ate outside at our picnic table since it was so nice out.  After dinner, we got cleaned up and ready to go to the fireworks.  We decided to go down early so find a good spot and hang out for a while.  We picked a spot in the grass near the ramp.  I wasn’t a fan of it and we won’t be going to that spot next year.  There were too many teens in the way and throwing fireworks at each other.  I started getting worried for the kids.  We brought a red (fruit punch), white (popcorn), and blue (cookies) snack.  The Maurers ended up sitting by us for the fireworks.  The kids LOVED them!  It was worth all of the chaos to see the kids faces for the 30 minutes during the show.  It was another late night, but well worth it.  On the way back to the car, we were talking to the kids about how blessed we are to live in a country that is “free”.  Macie said, “Does that mean things don’t cost any money?”  We cracked up!

Another Macie funny…They were playing music and I started dancing.  As serious as can be she said, “Mama, you are not even supposed to do that in public!”


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