Sunday, July 20, 2014

Out and About

Yesterday we drove all over the place and made several stops as a family.  I packed lunch and plenty of snacks and we headed out on the beautiful day.  We had a lot of fun and ended the day with a van full of goodies.

#1 Seton Harvest: Our first stop of the morning was Seton Harvest.  We ended up with 9 different things this week.  That is about how many we get each week.  I am so glad that we joined the CSA this year and we plan to do it for many years to come.  While Brian picked blackberries, the kids had fun petting Lucky and Angel and feeding them treats.  Of course, we also had to check in on the chickens!


#2 Westside Walmart: Since we have to drive to the far west side to go to Seton Harvest, we often stop by the Walmart out there on the way home.  We have discovered they often have great food clearance and have stocked up many times there.  At first we didn’t think we were going to find much, but then Brian asked a manager about it.  We then found out that everything on a certain shelf was 50cents!  We also found the $1 bags of cereal I get for the kids sometimes.  Not counting the cereal, we spent $15 on food that would have cost $100.42!!  We were super excited about the find!


#3 High Hill Orchard: I posted before how we had gotten 20 lbs of peaches.  Well, we decided to stop by there on our way to Madisonville.  Brian wanted to show me where it was.  We returned our baskets and got another 10 11 pounds of peaches (she added a few in to get an even dollar amount) and 9 lbs of june apples.  We spent $12 on all of that and I thought it was a great deal.  Both kinds of fruits had blemishes on the outside, but were perfectly good on the inside.  The lady who runs it is super nice.  The kids enjoyed looking around.  They thought it was so funny that chickens were walking around outside of a cage and liked looking at the cows.  I am so grateful our friends let us know about this place because it is another place we plan to frequent!


#4 Fresh Eggs: On the same road as the orchard, Brian noticed a sign about fresh eggs.  He wanted to stop and get some, but they weren’t home.  Maybe next time!

#5 Nanny’s House: Our last stop was Nanny’s house.  We definitely don’t see her enough.  We brought her a few peaches, a mini loaf of zucchini bread, and some recipes.  We visited for a while.  We also picked up some jars.  Nanny had some to give us, but her neighbor, Hilda, had a TON of jars.  She offered us all of them, but we couldn’t take them all.  We dug out bags and bags from a building.  She was telling us how she used to love canning for her family.  All of the jars we got were dirty, but we knew with a good scrubbing, they would be fine.  We thanked Hilda and Nanny for the jars and made the trek home.  Once we were home, we had a lot of organizing to do.  We washed all of the jars.  We had to throw about a dozen away because they were broken or beyond cleaning.  However, we still ended up with 74 quart jars, 6 pints, and 5 half pint jars!!

We shared some with friends today and found out Grammie and Pops’ neighbor is going to give us 5 more cases of quart jars.  We will glady take them!  We are so thankful!!  As of yet, we haven’t spent any money on canning supplies!


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