Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Homeschool Highlights

Writing Ideas ~ Fiction: We used this graphic organizer to come up with five fiction writing prompts.  For three days, they will choose one of the prompts and write a story.  I'm working with them on writing stories that aren't narratives.  Next, we will fill in this chart with nonfiction ideas.
Homeschool Science Hour ~ Robots: Once a month, North Park Library has a homeschool science class.  This month, the class was about robots.  Each child got to make their own robot out of a Lego kit and learned how to program it.  They followed the step by step instructions on the iPad.  I have to say I was really impressed with what they were able to do.  We only made it to one of these last year and I'm really hoping to make it to more this year!

 Writing Words (and Drawing a Mouse):

Yesterday was actually our 35th day of school!  We hadn't changed the calendar count yet.  We are flying through.  The kids are so excited and want to do school almost every day right now so I am taking advantage of it!

What are some highlights from your homeschool this week?

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