Tuesday, September 13, 2016

My Loved One was Diagnosed with a Disability or Illness...What do I do now? ~ Learn Your Role

This is a hard, but very important tip.  It is crucial to LEARN YOUR ROLE.

Your role will be different if your loved one lives in the same home with you vs if you are a concerned friend or family member from afar.  Your role will be different if it is your spouse vs your child.  Your role with be different if your child is a minor vs grown and on their own.  Your role will be different if your loved one has a physical disability or illness vs a mental disability.

Here are some questions to consider: Are you needed to be the primary caregiver (ie a minor child) or are you just a support person? Are you needed to make all medical decisions or is your loved one able to make decisions for themselves?  Are you capable of taking on that role or do you need to get outside help?

Sometimes there isn't time to stop and think and answer these questions, but if there is, I advise you to take the time to consider them.  If you have a clear understanding of what your role in the recovery or treatment process is, it will lead to less confusion, resentment, and stress (if that is even possible).

In future posts, I will give tips about what to do for each role.

If this tip was helpful, check out the other posts in the series: Our Story, Internet, Grieving

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