Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Poop in the Potty!

Macie pooped in the potty today! When I picked her up from daycare, Melinda told me she pooped in the potty. Macie was holding herself and saying "toot, toot". Melinda asked her if she wanted to go in the potty and she said "uh huh". Macie didn't want to sit on the potty chair though, she wanted to sit on the big potty. As soon as she sat on it, she pooped in the potty! I couldn't believe it. Brian and I were both a little sad that we couldn't be there the first time she went, but we can't be there for everything! Macie was grinning from ear to ear when we were talking about. I am so proud of her! My little girl is growing up...

1 comment:

CJM said...

WOW!!! Go Macie :)