Sunday, November 26, 2017


One of my 2017 Intentions was to write 17 posts about blessings in my life to help purge negativity.  I'm finally getting around to it in this #Blessed series. 

I am blessed to be a HOMESCHOOLING MOM.

When I became a teacher, I never thought in a million years that I would stay at home with my kids, let alone homeschool them.  In fact, I've admitted that I was formerly against the idea of homeschooling and didn't understand why anyone would do it.  Well times have changed!  God had other plans for me and my family when he called me to be a teacher!

There are days when I want to pull my hair out, but overall, I truly love homeschooling.  It is a great fit for Macie and Gavin and I love seeing them learn and thrive.  I'm able to be in the trenches with them.  When I see how far they've come, it fills me with such joy and pride.  I'm so blessed that I was able to be with Lilah during her preschool years and that we were able to make the best decision for her for Kindergarten.  Because of homeschooling, I have a closer relationship with my children and am able to be there for all of the little moments.  I'm so thankful that I am able to teach them when I know it is the best for them.

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