Wednesday, January 6, 2010


Tonight, we went to Chuck-E-Cheese. It was a fundraiser night for Holy Spirit. I took Macie last year for the fundraiser night, but we hadn't been back since. This time was a lot more fun! Allie joined us and took a million pictures of Macie running around and having a blast. The awesome thing was, I got a free personal pan pizza and drink because I am a teacher and Macie got 15 free tokens. We only had to get food for Brian, so it was a pretty cheap night and a good time. I think that Brian was dreading going because he thought it would be too crazy, but he admitted it wasn't that bad and we left as soon as Macie started getting tired. She still has a few tokens left for next time!
Playing with Hannah
Tackling Bailey
Can we say static electricity?

Chuck-E was sporting a Holy Spirit Cougar t-shirt!
Macie thought he was cool until Brian picked her up and tried to get a little closer. She wanted nothing to do with him then!
She is making driving noises...

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