Friday, November 26, 2010


We had a busy Thanksgiving planned as usual! We started the morning with breakfast, baths, and Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade. Macie kept saying, "my parade?" Sure honey...whatever you want to think! Our first stop of the day was my dad's side of the family. The kids had a great time getting lots of attention and even a gift! Macie loved playing with Kaylee and looked up to her so much! I looked up to Kaylee's mommy when I was little! After playing and eating lots of yummy food, we went to my mom's side. There are a lot more people there and it can be a bit overwhelming! Both kids handled it pretty well and Gavin even napped. I was so proud of Macie because she didn't have an accident all day! My favorite part of the day is when my whole family (almost 80 people) pray before we eat. There is something magical about that moment and I tear up every time! Thanksgiving is actually one of my favorite holidays because it includes my two favorite things: family and food! What a great day!
Kaylee and Macie
Macie thought she was big stuff because she got to sit at the table like Kaylee!
Gavin loved his new toy!
Kaylee actually took this photo
Playing around with Grandma
Macie loves playing with this Elmo doodle pad....there may be one in her future!
"Look Mom!"
Our little turkey!
Gotta love the butt!

1 comment:

Kelly said...

Love the gobble gobble!!!:)