Thursday, November 18, 2010

What am I doing?

Macie has been cracking us up lately...she talks nonstop! Here are a few of her latest quotes...

"What am I doing?": When Macie is quiet or in the other room, I know that she is up to something. I always ask her, "What are you doing?". I guess I've said that enough that now if she is doing something wrong, she will say, "What am I doing?" It is quite funny, even though she is up to no good!

"Yellow, green, blue, red": Macie gets some mini m&ms when she goes in the potty. It is so funny because as soon as she goes, she will start clapping for herself and say, "I peed, yellow, green, blue, red..." She is telling us the colors of m&ms that she wants!

"Water bothering me": Tonight when Brian put Macie in the bath tub, she wouldn't sit down in the water. She kept saying, "bothering me, water bothering me". Brian and I have no idea where that came from.

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