Sunday, August 21, 2011

Emergency Room Visit

Yesterday, Gavin started getting a runny nose and was a little cranky. Last night, he slept, but sounded like he was snoring a lot. We didn't worry about it too much. This morning when Brian got him out of bed, his breathing was labored and he was making a seal like sound. He looked and sounded like he did when he was in the hospital. Brian and I were both scared. We knew we had to take him somewhere, but we didn't know where. We didn't know if we should wait a few hours until Convenient Care opened or take him straight to the ER. I called Dr. Voyles' office to talk to the on call nurse. When she heard his symptoms and history, she sent us straight to the ER. We rushed around to get showers (in case he was admitted), pack bags, and make arrangements for Macie. We dropped Macie off at my parents' house and were checked in around 7:50am. They checked Gavin's vitals and did paperwork immediately. I barely had a chance to use the restroom before he was taken back to a room in triage. The nurse saw and heard what we did, but when the respiratory therapist checked him out, she didn't. It was so frustrating.

Luckily, the doctor was concerned enough that he ordered a breathing treatment and a dose of steroids. Brian and I were worried because that particular breathing treatment can only be administered at the hospital. We really didn't want him to be admitted. However, the doctor had no intention of keeping him and diagnosed him with Croup. He sent us home with two prescriptions (steroids and an oral decongestant). I would like to pretend that's how easy it was, but of course it wasn't. When we got to the ER, they weren't busy, but that quickly changed! I think they forgot about us! Between breathing for people, a man passing out in the lobby, and other emergencies, we moved to low man on the totem pole. Don't get me wrong, I think those things are more important, but Gavin had had enough! It took 3 and 1/2 hours and three nurses before we got out of there.

Overall, Gavin was great and is the model patient! He cooperated with all procedures and did pretty well being confined in the small space for so long. Brian and I took turns keeping him occupied and we pretty much let him do anything that wasn't dangerous! I am super concerned about the steroids though. When he was on them before, he got major roid rage and was super strong and wild. He is going to be on them for a week. The breathing treatment also got him wound up and at one point he was slapping me in the face and laughing at the hospital. Fun stuff! Not to mention, the decongestant should make him wired...seriously people!

Gavin didn't take a very good nap today, but he's been eating good. He also looks really pale/yellow and it worries me. He was sound asleep a little after 6pm. The doctor did warn us that tonight would be rough. He gave us some tips as to what to do if it happens again (take him in the bathroom and turn on a warm shower; walk around outside). If those things don't work, we are to take him back to the ER. Hopefully, all will go well and we will get some sleep.

Brian's parents came to town when they heard Gavin was sick. They were kind enough to meet us at our house with McDonalds for lunch. Brian and I were starving because we hadn't eaten yet. They brought a ton of food and we seemed to inhale it all! Aunt Katie also came to town and brought the kids new pjs. We had a nice long visit with Brian's family. After they left, Allie stopped by for dinner. Brian made fried chicken, corn on the cob, and mashed potatoes. She left right away so the kids could sleep. Macie hadn't napped all day with all of the excitement. She was so good and I'm so proud of how grown up she is becoming!

Unfortunately, we missed Emmy's birthday party and the Sills' Open House because of this mess. Hopefully, Gavin will be back to himself soon and we can put all of this behind us!

1 comment:

CJM said...

Clayton had croup too before he was even 1! Very scary, that is the sickest he has ever been!!! I hope poor Gavin feels better soon!!