Thursday, August 4, 2011

It's A...


I had my 19 week ultrasound on Tuesday afternoon. Even though this is my third baby, there is nothing like the moment when you see your baby up on that screen. I get tears in my eyes every time! I went by myself and Brian and I had decided that I wasn't going to find out the sex. I was slightly tempted, but it wasn't that hard to be "good". (On a side note, I've had a feeling the baby was a boy the whole time and now after the ultrasound, I'm thinking girl...who knows!) The baby wasn't the most cooperative, but then again none of my children have been. With each pregnancy, I've had to go back for a repeat ultrasound because they couldn't see all of the "parts". At first all we could see was a moving baby that was rolled up in a ball. Half way through, the tech had me get up and go to the bathroom, and that seemed to help some. The baby has two arms and two legs so that was a good start! The tech and I talked a lot and she told me that she knew what the baby was, but I still decided not to find out.

After the ultrasound, I met with Dr. Alvey. Dr. Crutcher was on vacation. My weight gain and blood pressure were good, but then I got some scary news. Dr. Alvey said that most of what they could see of the baby appeared normal, but there was an issue with the umbilical cord. A normal umbilical cord has two arteries and one vein. The baby's umbilical cord only has one artery and one vein. She said that there is an 80% chance of having a normal baby, but there could be problems too. Abnormalities could occur. I am going to the Maternal Fetal Medicine and Genetic Disorder office on the 16th to have a more specialized ultrasound. Even if we don't see any abnormalities, the baby may have issues growing. This could cause preterm labor or Dr. C could decide it would be best to pull the baby early if it stops growing. Basically, I have a lot of ultrasounds in my future! Between the ones for growth and my blood pressure, I have no idea how I'm going to not find out what this baby is. I guess only time will tell!


The baby weighs 12 ounces and had a heartbeat of 150.

I think that this baby is going to have the same nose and forehead as the other two!

1 comment:

CJM said...

Praying all is well Abbie!