Friday, August 19, 2011

Catholic Triplets

One of my student's moms came in the other morning and congratulated me on my pregnancy. She told me that she also had three kids in three years. Next she said, "We call them the Catholic Triplets". I started cracking up. What a funny way to look at it!
When I went to the doctor the other day,the lady who checked me in had triplets. When she realized that I was having my third child in three years, she said that I had it a lot harder than her because with triplets they all have the same needs. With "Catholic Triplets", they are all needy with different needs.

1 comment:

CJM said...

You will be a great mom of 3...I have several friends with 3, 3 and under and one of them meets me for playdates all the time. She takes them everywhere by, zoo, swimming. You will do great :)