Thursday, November 10, 2011

BPP #3

On Tuesday, I went in for my 3rd BPP and an appointment with Dr. Crutcher. My BPP went great and I found out that Lilah weighs a little over 5 pounds! They estimated her to be 5 pounds and 3 ounces. I am 33 weeks and she is already that big...holy moly! I wonder how big she will actually end up being. I was able to see her profile some, but once again, she was hiding her face from us.
After the BPP, I saw Dr. Crutcher. My blood pressure and weight gain were good. She gave me a prescription to beat this nasty cough I've had for 2 weeks. I'd called her office a while back and they suggested that I take Muscinex (sp?) D, but that didn't do the trick. It was getting to the point that everytime I coughed, it hurt horribly. I'm glad that I might actually be able to get rid of this cough!
Tonight, I had Brian take a few updated belly pics because I've been really bad. The woes of the 3rd child!

33 Weeks 4 Days

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