Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Decorating the Tree

Sunday, we decorated the house. I wanted to decorate, but I also wanted to be reasonable. Not only am I going to be overwhelmed with Lilah, but I also have two destructive little humans that live in this house! Macie was super pumped to put ornaments on the tree. We decided it would be best just to get out our little 4 foot fake tree this year. I paid 20 bucks for that thing and it has come in handy over the years! While the kids were napping, I was able to go through all of the boxes and get out what we needed for this year. I also laid out all of the kids' ornaments so they could put them on. Once both kids were up, we got to it. Gavin put the angel on top of the tree and Macie did such a good job putting ornaments on. I love putting up the tree together and I'm glad that we can make it a family affair!

Before we the outfits!

The finished product!

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