Sunday, November 27, 2011

Making Ornaments

On Wednesday, I sent the kids to daycare so that I could get a lot done. Thankfully, I had a very productive day! A guy came to do a tune up on the new heater first thing in the morning and I was able to watch a little tv and pay bills. As soon as he left, I got ready to go to the hospital to pre-register. I also ran to the bank and by my classroom to pick up some paint. Once I got home, I worked non stop until Brian got home with the kids. I made potato soup and mashed potatoes, cut up all of the veggies for the next day, painted/assembled the ornaments, and caught up on laundry and dishes.
Once Brian, the kids, and Allie got here, we had a yummy dinner and then it was time for the kids to do their part of the ornament. The kids were so excited. I started the tradition of making an ornament each year when Macie was one. I start it and then the kids add something to it. I think everything turned out well this year. If you are a lucky person to get one of these...don't scroll all of the way to the bottom if you want to be surprised:)

Macie made the eyes and mouth and Gavin made the nose

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