Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Lilah's 4th BPP

At school, I had a health screening done. We have to have one every year to get free health insurance. They check our height, weight, blood pressure, blood sugar, and cholesterol. Even though I didn't fast, my blood sugar and cholesterol were good. That is really good news for me, because when you are pregnant, these levels can be elevated. I also have a history of high blood pressure, diabetes, and high cholesterol in my family and I want to avoid this if at all possible. The not so good news was my BMI (to be expected when pregnant, but I know this is something I have to work on) and my blood pressure. Even though I am still taking medicine, it was 145/80. Dr. Crutcher had told me that any time the top # was over 140 or the bottom # was over 90, to let her know.
I already had a BPP scheduled this afternoon, so when I got to the office, I let them know that my blood pressure was up earlier. I've also been having headaches and my face has been flushed every afternoon. I told them I've had a lot of stress lately, so that may have something to do with it. They did the BPP first and everything looked good. It took a while for Lilah to move enough and practice her breathing. She finally passed. I was also able to get a good look at her face today! I got several pictures. It's amazing how every time I see her, I see that same nose and forehead as my other two!
After the BPP, Dr. Crutcher's nurse took my blood pressure. It was down to 136/76, but that is still pushing it. They sent me on my way, but told me to keep checking it and if anything changes, to let them know.
Next, I headed to get the kids and I started feeling horribly. I broke out in a major sweat, felt faint, and was super hot. I pulled over and took off my jacket, opened the window, and chugged some water. I felt slightly better. When I got to Miss Julie's, I asked her if I looked pale, and she said a bit. On the way home, I started feeling bad again. I quickly pulled into McDonald's and got some food. I inhaled it and chugged more water. I was concerned about driving, but the food must of helped, because I felt better soon after.
I don't know what is going on, but I am NOT ready to meet Miss Lilah yet. Hopefully, it was just a bad day and all will go back to normal soon!

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