Tuesday, November 20, 2012

11 Months

Lilah Jean is 11 months old!  Did I really just type that?!?  I'm not even sure where the time went.  My baby, my LAST BABY, is not a baby anymore!  Here is what she's up to:
She now has 12 teeth!  All four of the "12 month" molars have popped through.  This has caused a lot of sleepless nights:(
She is taking up to 9 steps at a time!  I know it will be no time at all and she will just take off walking across the floor.
She started clapping on Saturday.  She gets so excited when you clap with/for her!
She is still super serious, but has gotten a lot more smiley.  She is also very ticklish.
She has blond hair (that is straight so far!) and blue eyes.  She weighs 21 pounds 5 ounces.  She is solid!
She is drinking more whole milk and less formula.  She also eats lots of different foods (cheerios, crackers, graham crackers, applesauce, yogurt, green beans, mandarin oranges) but there are too many to list them all!
One more month, and she will be a "toddler".  Even though, she is right now.  I love watching her explore the world and learning her personality!  She is still a Mama's girl, and while I love it, it is challenging at the same time!
Last Duck Pictures at home.....EVER:(

 There was no way she was sitting!

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