Sunday, November 18, 2012

Slumber Party

Friday night was family fun night in our house!  We had a lot of fun activities planned for the kids.  When we first got home, the kids helped me clean up the house, pick out pjs, prep dinner, make cards for Grams B, and set up our slumber party in the living room.  My mom came to stay with the Macie and Gavin so I could take Lilah to the doctor.  Thankfully, she only had a cold.  The kids ate dinner while I was gone, so when I got back home, we jumped right back into the fun!  After dinner, the kids got baths and changed into pjs.  Then, we made pasta necklaces.  Our final fun thing of the night was to watch some movies as we fell asleep in the living room.  Macie and Gavin slept on their mattresses on the floor, Lilah slept in her pack-n-play, Brian slept in the recliner, and I slept on the couch.  We watched, Curious George, and Veggie Tales.  I started falling asleep right away.  The kids did pretty well overall.  They were up a few times, but it was a great night!  I love doing special things with the family and I'm sure we will do this again in the future! 

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