Friday, November 9, 2012

Macie Funnies of the week...

Macie got some tattoos for her birthday.  She wanted me to put one on her.  Holding the package, she asked me, "Is there a needle in here?"  She knows that to get a real tattoo, you need a needle.  I said, "No, you have to go to a real place for that!" Too funny!

On the way home today, Macie says as serious as can be, "Mommy, I went to the potty a few times today and I didn't have any panties.  I couldn't find them!" I asked her if she told anyone, and she said, "No, I'm not supposed to talk about panties at school!"  I was relieved, but also cracking up.  How does that happen?!?

Macie dropped some food on the floor.  She quickly picked it up, ran it to the trash can and said, "I better throw this away.  If I tried to eat it, Grandpa would say, 'NO NO NO!!'"  Brian and I were cracking up.

Yesterday in our mailbox, we got a grocery bag with a letter asking for canned goods.  Macie asked me what the "watermelon bag" was for (it had a picture of a watermelon on it).  I told her that it was for people who don't have enough food.  Some people don't have enough food or even a home to live in.  Macie said very seriously, "OHH....Aunt Annie doesn't have a home, she only has a partment."  I reassured her that Aunt Annie was fine and had food to eat!

1 comment:

CJM said...

I love it, too cute!!!!