Sunday, July 21, 2013

Macie’s Day #7

Macie always has ambitious plans for our time together.  We settled on working in my classroom, going to the library program, lunch at home, and Chuck-E-Cheese.  Once again, Macie was a big help at school and we got a lot done.  Her library program had an ocean theme this week and she made goggles.  We ate lunch at home and attempted to nap, but that was a no go.  In the afternoon, we went to Chuck-E-Cheese and Macie was excited to see they had moved some things around and added some new games.  In one game, she won 40 tickets!  The game kept beeping really loudly.  She was so excited!  At the end, she picked out a piece of candy and a shark dart shooter.  We don’t have many more one on one days left before school starts, so I try to enjoy each and every moment with my kiddos!


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