Saturday, May 1, 2010

A Double Birthday

This afternoon we helped Reagan and Lilly celebrate their birthdays. Lilly will turn 1 on May 6th and Reagan will turn 2 on May 16th. Brandi is lucky that she can have one party for both girls. Because it was Derby day, the theme was My Little Ponies....too cute! It was a lot of fun, but some things had to be changed due to the rain. I think everything still turned out great and there was a good turnout! Happy Birthday Reagan and Lilly!!!
Macie spent most of her time in the playroom. She found Reagan's Tinkerbell Trike!
She has the right idea...sitting with her feet up!
Gavin spent most of his time in the pack-n-play so he wouldn't get trampled by all of the kids!
Lilly was just as happy with the tissue paper and bows as she was the gifts!
Reagan opening a princess ball pit. Macie LOVES her ball pit and kept saying " Bah, Bah". She wanted to open the box!
Lilly helped open presents too!
Buried in toys! Look at all those gifts! That wasn't even half of it!
We sang to Reagan first...
Then it was Lilly's turn! I think she liked the cake!

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