Saturday, May 8, 2010

My Kind of Day

Yesterday was my kind of day...well sort of. I had the day off from school so I was able to spend the day at home with my kids. I love spending time with my kids, but Macie was crabby most of the day, so that was a bummer. After both kids ate breakfast and Macie had a bath, we took a walk. Gavin loved it but Macie didn't. She usually loves every minute of a walk, but this time she cried for most of the time. I even tried pulling the stroller instead of pushing it so the sun wouldn't be in her eyes. Nothing seemed to work. We were literally 2 houses away from home and she fell asleep. I kept walking for a few houses but then a dog woke her up so we just went back home. I thought about playing in the backyard, but it was getting warm and there wasn't any shade at the time for Gavin. Instead, we had a good time reading books, working puzzles, and watching Elmo. She ate an early lunch because she was so crabby and then took a 2 hour nap. I used that time to get myself ready and pack up everything for the evening. I had several errands to run before we headed to meet Brian at his work. I still hadn't ever seen his office and met some of the people he works with and Brian wanted to show off the kiddos. When he got off work, we headed to Sturgis for the evening. Even though Macie was a bear, I still love spending time with the kids and I can't wait until Summer when I get to do this every day! Only 13 more school days....
Gavin looks so cute is his hat!
Napping with his but in the air...too precious!

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