Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Central Library

Today, we went to Central library to meet Renee and her kids. I called my mom to see if she wanted to join us because the library is one of her favorite places. She took us there all the time during the summer when we were little and so I knew that I wanted to take my kids there too. This is the first time I have actually taken them to the library. Macie has been inside one before when she was little (I voted there and checked out a book quickly) but she was still in her carrier at that time. Gavin was too little to enjoy it, but I think Macie had a great time! She did puzzles, looked at books, and played on the giant boat. She even checked out a few books. I found some books I had been wanting to read too! I'm glad my mom was able to come and see Macie's first real trip to the library. I'm sure we will have many more visits to the library!
Macie is quite the control freak. I wonder where she got that from? My mom said that she just likes to make order of her world. I guess that makes it sound better! My mom and I had to sit in a certain place while she looked at the puzzles. We had to pry her away to move on to the next thing!
Macie was very disturbed that this puzzle was missing a piece!
Picking out books
This is the best picture I got of Keelin and Macie
Someone didn't want to cooperate...
Macie and I in the upper deck of the boat
Macie looked up to Keelin and wanted to do what she was doing
Taking it all in!
Reading in the bottom deck
Macie's book choices...I like the second one the best!

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