Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Playdate at the Broekers'

This afternoon, Macie, Gavin, and I headed to the Broekers' for our Wednesday play date. We got there a little later than everyone because I wanted to make sure that Macie got a good nap in first. It was a gorgeous day!!! It was nice to catch up with some friends and Macie had a BLAST! She played on the slip-n-slide, bouncy house, and big trampoline. What more could a girl want? I forgot Macie's swimsuit, but I had a change of clothes so I didn't care if she got wet. Of course Gavin enjoyed being loved on, but he was so ready to lay on the floor and kick by the time we got home. Macie, on the other hand, didn't want to leave. She loves Jamie (plus Jamie has all of the cool stuff at her house) and I had to make her come home with me!

Today was a day where I realized how much Macie is growing up and how much more she can do. It almost brought tears to my eyes to see her playing and having such a good time with the other kids. Every day she is learning and doing new things and I am just trying to cherish every moment because I know if I blink, she will be all grown up! I'm really enjoying these Wednesday play dates and I look forward to next week!
I didn't do a good job with this picture. Macie wouldn't look at the camera:( She looked so big sitting at the picnic table with the big girls (Hannah, Keelin, and Maddie)
Macie and Maddie
"Are you sure I can play in the water mom?"
The face says it all! She is so happy in most of the pics!
Trying to drink the water!
She looks like a wet rat trying to get out of the bouncy house!
Renee was kind enough to help her on the trampoline!

Ring around the Rosey
Ashes, ashes, we all fall down!!!
Patti put Gavin to sleep. The poor guy...most of his pictures are of him sleeping! Although, he looks cute no matter what he is doing!

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