Sunday, January 6, 2013

Sick and Zoo Trip

Starting New Year's Day, Brian wasn't feeling well.  At first, I thought he was just hungover and I was a little annoyed.  However, it went on and on.  He couldn't get over it and had a fever for a few days.  He was pretty much out of it all weekend and I was frazzled to say the least.  I had to grocery shop alone, take care of the kids, and him.  Starting Saturday, both girls were running a fever and cranky/crabby.  By Sunday morning, I was about to pull my hair out.  The girls felt a bit better, so I called my mom to see if she wanted to go to the zoo.  It was cold, but we spent most of our time in Amazonia.  We only went outside to see the new wolves.  After the zoo, we ate lunch at McDonald's before heading home.  It was so nice to get out of the house.  When we got home, Brian had pepped up a bit and was on the mend.  I was so exhausted by the end of the weekend after keeping up with the house and kids, I needed a weekend to recover!

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