Monday, April 16, 2012

Going with my Gut

I've been worried about Gavin for a while now.  Besides the breathing issues, I'm really worried about his running, climbing, etc.  His pediatrician wasn't overly concerned, but I've had this nagging feeling in the pit of my stomach.  After asking lots of people's opinions, I finally made some phone calls today.  I called his First Steps Coordinator and left a message. I'm hoping to have him re-evaluated.  I also called his pediatric dermatologist.  She told me the last time we were there that if I had any concerns about his motor development, to let her know.  I'm waiting to hear back from them.  This summer, hopefully we can set up some appointments and figure all of this out.  I don't know if there is anything wrong, but I'm going with my gut.  I have to fight for my baby!

1 comment:

Educator Eats said...

It can't hurt to have him re-evaluated. At least you can get to the bottom of it if there is something going on, or put your mind at rest! You are a wonderful mom and I also think it's always to trust your gut!