Thursday, May 31, 2012

One-On-One Days

Next year, Macie won't be going to Miss Julie's anymore because she will be in preschool.  I didn't want to pay for her all Summer long, so I came up with a different plan.  Two days a week, I will keep all three kiddos home and the other three days, I will send two kids to daycare and keep one kid home with me.  This way, I will get one-on-one days with my kids.  I am so excited about this and so are the kids!  Most weeks, Tuesday will be Macie's day, Wednesday will be Gavin's day, and Thursday will be Lilah's day.  This will probably be the only summer I will be able to do this so I am taking full advantage of this quality time with them.
Tuesday was Macie's first day with me.  She was pumped and ready to go at 7:00am!  We have to work on that part!  We had a full and busy day.  We went to Target, Chuck-E-Cheese, the library, and Kipplees with Grandpa.  We took a nap together, played games, did puzzles, and even some house work.  It was great to be with just Macie all day and nice to not need a diaper bag at all!  We obviously won't do the same things every week, but we did sign Macie up for the summer reading program at the library, so we plan to go there every Tuesday.  Macie has really matured and grown up so much since Lilah's birth.  We are actually a lot closer and it is neat to watch her do things she's never been brave enough to do before! 

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